SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st Century
  • by Ng Yi-Sheng, published by Oogachaga, available from all major bookstores in Singapore and Fridae.com
  • Saturday, October 07, 2006

    Movie Mania!

    Just came back from Short Circuit, a screening of short gay Singapore films, held at the Substation. I was extremely impressed by a film entitled Pink IC, a documentary made at the height of Remaking Singapore, including interviews with five queer female Singaporeans and Vivian Balakrishnan. It's an investigation into everyday lives in a fashion not unlike SQ21 - it just hasn't been screened in a lot of places yet because of discretion. :( Must check with the director before I can mention her name on the blog.

    Festival curator and filmmaker Boo Junfeng also did us the honour of creating an advertisement about our project, using footage from our launch at Mox. Here's the video:

    Forward it to your friends with the following link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WOJ7ED-_wM

    Hope we'll be seeing you guys at Kinokuniya tomorrow!


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