SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st Century
  • by Ng Yi-Sheng, published by Oogachaga, available from all major bookstores in Singapore and Fridae.com
  • Sunday, January 28, 2007

    Human Relations

    A couple of days ago, I got this e-mail from Prof Khoo Hoon Eng (the mother of two gay sons and co-founder of SAFE Singapore) :

    Hi all,

    I just discovered that my story in SQ21 is supplementary reading for
    this NUS course called Human Relations:

    I think this is great as I hope that the students would then read all
    your other stories (and maybe we can sell more copies) too since they
    are so interesting! I certainly hope that they are not photocopying
    just the few pages of my story!

    Also, I hope someone in NUS will one day be able to make SQ21 required
    reading for a course :)


    Hoon Eng

    Hoon Eng's story is also up on the SAFE Singapore website. They're looking for more stories from parents of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender parents. Feel free to write to them.


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